Jewish Food Tourney: # 8 Brisket vs #9 Sufganiyot

We had our first upset yesterday. #10 Gefilte Fish beat #7 Hamentashen. I was so excited I had trouble falling asleep.

Today, though, we have our final 1st round matchup. I honestly have no idea who will win this one. It’s just too close to call.

We first have # 8 Brisket. Possibly the most Jewish meat whose name isn’t in Yiddish. If you want to raise the stakes of your Shabbat dinner, serve brisket. Sure, chicken is fine. My mom makes a wonderful Honey & Mustard Chicken. But she also makes a fantastic Chocolate Brisket. I don’t really have much more to say than if you like red meat, this should be your vote.

It’s ranked so low for a couple of reasons. When you put the leftover brisket back in the fridge, the fat hardens and looks incredibly unappetizing. It kind of looks like an iceberg. And not in a good way.

Also, some people don’t like red meat. I don’t really understand why, but to each their own (we just can’t get married).

Finally, on the Jewish Food scale, with 1 being Bacon and 10 being a cow sacrificed at the Temple, Brisket lands at about a 5. It isn’t that Brisket isn’t Jewish. It’s just that you can get away with serving it on Christmas.

It’s competition: #9 Sufganiyot. Underrated? Probably not. Forgotten? Most definitely. Hanukkah is 8 days long. I ate 1 Jelly Donut the whole time. And that was on my own. I went to like 3 parties. No Sufganiyot (I need new friends).

It’s tough to hate on Sufganiyot. It’s a donut. Who doesn’t like donuts? Entenmann’s should make sufganiyot. With those yummy cookie-like pieces on top. Yummmm…

One rough side of Sufganiyot is the filling. Don’t get me wrong. Good filling is good filling. But sometimes bakeries take the shortcut and use cheap filling. No one likes fake Strawberry filling. Use quality filling, or no filling at all.

Voting will end tomorrow.

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