Making High Art out of Speedos

The following preview has me so, so confused.

Take Flight is a full-length documentary film about Gary Oldman’s directoral debut. Oldman, an actor of remarkable talent who’s brought a remarkable wit, candor, and melancholy to characters from Dracula to Sirius Black, recently filmed a video — shot entirely on cell phones — for the Jewish shtick-laced hip-hop group Chutzpah.

Am I the only one who didn’t see that last sentence headed in that direction?

The actual film isn’t filmed on cell phones; just the music video. And the full-length movie itself is directed by Juliet Landau, a blindingly great actor herself — she played Drusilla in Buffy and starred in Ed Wood. The whole endeavor has the look and feel and instant nostalgia of high art. And yet…you’ll notice the complete lack of Chutzpah in the trailer’s audio. From the look of them (in Speedos, with bling, and yet impossible to stop staring at, like a car accident) the documentary might be better off that way — and maybe it does.

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