Lekh Lekha (Get out of here.)

That’s right — the next time you don’t like someone, tell them Lekh lekha. That’s what G-d told Abraham, who was stuck in a land of idol-worshippers and scary people: Take your wife and your life, and find a new land.

This week’s G-dcast comes to us courtesy of Stereo Sinai — the first G-dcast music video! It’s the story of Lekh Lekha, told from Sarah’s point of view: of a woman who, instead of thinking her husband was insane when he heard voices that nobody else could hear, decided to follow him. And got a prophecy of her own. You can learn more about the story, and the parsha, here.

After you watch the film, you should head over to Stereo Sinai’s site and download the mp3 for free. Oh yes — and you thought I’d forget about Free Music Fridays?

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