Shimon Peres on The Globalization of Peace

Last night, Shimon Peres, the President of Israel spoke at NYU on the Globalization of Peace.

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Although President Peres spoke on major political and social issues, the caveat that interested me the most was his “midrashic” conclusion.
President Peres told a story that he heard from a Muslim teacher:

“The Rabbi asked: When does the night end and when does the day begin?
A student replied: If you can distinguish a lamb from a dog from a distance then maybe the night is over.
Another student replied: If you can distinguish an olive tree from a fig tree then perhaps the day arrived.
The Rabbi said:  When you meet a woman, whether black or white and you say, ‘you are my sister’ and when you meet a man, whether rich or poor and you say, ‘you are my brother,’ then the night is over.â€?

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