Rosh Hashana round-up

  • is a great way to find a Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur service near you. (Thanks to Jeff Seidel for the tipoff!)
  • This new video series from the Ziegler School of American Jewish University (where I’m speaking on November 9, yo!) is a great way to get yourself in the headspace to both celebrate the creation of the world and learning just how scary and awesome the Book of Life is.
  • If you’re going to be in Israel for Sukkot, I hate you. Unless, that is, you have room in your suitcase. Check out the amazing lineup of bands at ShemeshFest, which includes my pick for best Jewish band ever Moshav, Lazer Lloyd’s remarkable Yood, the incontrovertible drummer/singer/all-around superhuman Udi Davidi, and about a dozen other bands.
  • The biblical and rabbinic history of Rosh Hashanah — both usually overlooked, both pretty darn influential to the way we celebrate today.

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