Rosh Hashanah Dinner Challenge


Our friends over at The Jew & the Carrot are holding a contest to see who can create the greenest Rosh Hashanah dinner menu.

Prizes for the winner include some great Jewish cook books. Check it:

The Assignment:Get creative as you green your Rosh Hashanah dinner table!

The Requirements:A description of your sustainable  ideas, tips and techniques, accompanying photo(s), and any/all recipes you make.  Don’t forget to include information about who you are!

The Details:Email your submissions by October 3, 2008 to editor [@]
First prize winner will receive a copy of Aromas of Aleppoa stunning, hardcover cookbook of Syrian Jewish cuisine by Poopa Dweck.
Second prize winner will receive a copy of The Weekend Baker – a collection of delicious, stress-free baked good recipes.
The top three submissions will be featured (with much fanfare) on The Jew & The Carrot.


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