Female Rabbis, Male Stand-up Comedians

Today on his blog, Frum Satire starts a discussion about whether women could be Orthodox rabbis. It’s interesting, less in the light of women actually being ordained as Orthodox rabbis (which some people say could happen, some people say shouldn’t happen, and some people say is happening) and more because this is what Frum Satire–a thoughtful, sardonic, and off-the-beaten-path twentysomething kid living in an ultra-Orthodox enclave in Monsey–is thinking. Yes, it’s funny, and yes, it’s incredibly right-wing…but it’s a good-natured, open-minded right-wing, which is what those of us in the world outside Monsey never really see.

Among other things, he offers a list of thoughts to ponder:

  • Who would shake people’s hands for random yasher koachs?
  • What do we call the husband? Rebetz?
  • What would all those men who pray in the women’s section of shuls when women aren’t there do?

I’d be remiss if I didn’t add that, tonight in Brooklyn, Frum Satire is hosting an open mic tonight for poetry and comedy. If you’re in New York, why would you be anywhere else?

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