NYC Event on the Rwandan Genocide


The Bronfman Youth Fellowships, one of MJL’s partners, is hosting the following event in New York City. RSVP information can be found at the bottom.

Jews & Tutsis: Oral History as Justice
Remembering the Rwandan Genocide with

Taylor Krauss (BYFI 1997)
Director of oral history archives, Voices of Rwanda

Eugenie Mukeshimana
Rwanda genocide survivor and activist

Moderated by:
Dan Kurtz-Phelan (BYFI 1998)
Senior Editor, Foreign Affairs

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
7-9 PM
The Bronfman Center for Jewish Life at NYU
7 East 10th Street, New York, NY

Guests are welcome
For more information or to RSVP please click here


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