From the Discussions


Ezekah, from “The Circumcision Debate“:

As parents, it is our responsibility to make choices for our children, even to do things in their long-term best interests although it may cause them discomfort in the short-term. Most kids don’t elect to eat their vegetables or get shot with vaccinations either.

cuteblondeJAP, from “Singles at Synagogue“:

Soon I found that I was staying through the Motzi and the Oneg. I started to talk to people and found that yes I was only single woman in my age group but they didn’t care and that made me feel more comfortable. I now am taking classes offered by the Rabbi and looking for a place to fit in… It is an effort I have to make.

DocBev, from “Must I Believe?“:

Look around at the world, see the diversity of life, now try to deny the Creator. People do, of course. My brother, a JewBu (Jewish Buddhist) denies any belief in a supernatural God. That is because he’s totally self-centered and thinks of himself as all important and the rest of the world is of no importance.

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