From the Discussions


Israel, from “Burn the Lycra�:

The problem is basic: Israel cannot yet come to terms with seperating religion from state. Until it does that, we will have a problem with religious nutcases thinking they can get away with spraying women with paint if they think they aren’t dressed right.

Rivkah7, from “Teaching Children about the Holocaust�:
I am struggling with how to teach my children ( ages 10 and 8 ) about the Shoah. My mother and grandparents survived, but most everyone else died. I want my children to know what happened to their family, to their people, to the world. But I also feel, as a mother, a strong need to protect them from the horror of those events, from the loss of innocence.
AlexUtiug, from “Growing in Mitzvotâ€?

Doing acts of kindness, including visiting the sick, should not be something one decides to do in order to do a “mitzvah”. We should not think about “deciding to add this mitzvah” when it comes to doing such things: it’s supposed to be like taking shower: yes, there are commandments regarding bodily cleanliness, but these are ones that should be coming from inside your soul.

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