The Haredi Tom Clancy

In my latest column for the Jerusalem Post, I analyze the phenomenon of Ultra-Orthodox novels, particularly the work of Yair Weinstock, the Stephen King/Tom Clancy of Haredi fiction.

I first discovered this genre a few years ago after walking into a bookstore in Boro Park. Prominently displayed, at the entrance of the store, were a slew of novels — mostly thrillers — written by and for Orthodox Jews. I had no idea such things existed.

Apparently, the concept is relatively new, and its emergence is analyzed and described in detail in an article by Yoel Finkelman published last year in Yeshiva University’s Torah u-Madda Journal. A PDF of Finkelman’s article is available online, here.

In my item for the Post, I situate the novels in the context of the Christian Left Behind series. What did I think of Weinstock’s most recent effort, Borrowed Time? As I (kind of) expected, the writing is amateurish, at best. But I was pleasantly surprised by one aspect of the book. Find out what over at

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