Israeli Certainty

According to a new poll, 85% of Israelis believe in God, while 12% are atheists. The interesting part of the statistic: Only 3% of Israelis are undecided.

Is it just me, or is that a bit too much certainty?

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Find God, Win Fabulous Prizes!

There’s a famous Jewish text called the Kuzari, written by Judah HaLevi. In it, the king of the Khazars has ...

Jewish Atheism vs Atheism

In her last post, Rebecca Newberger Goldstein wrote about the inspiration behind Azarya Sheiner, the heart of her new novel. ...

Rabbi Sacks Weighs In

Thanks to Cross-Currents and Hirhurim for pointing out Rabbi Jonathan Sacks’ article about Richard Dawkins’ atheism in The Times of ...