From Keggers to Kosher

I’ve been meaning to post this for a while, and thought it might be a fun video for you to watch over the weekend. My friend Danny Greene, who works for Current TV, put together this video a few months ago about his former college fraternity brother who surprised his friends by becoming ba’al teshuva after college. Enjoy!

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What Is A Ba’al Teshuvah?

Once a name for sinners who repented, ba'al teshuvah now describes a Jew who returns to Orthodoxy — or becomes Orthodox for the first time.

Best Of The Week

Weekend is coming. My friend from Newfoundland is coming to town (actually, I have numerous Newfoundland friend. Good folk). They ...

Best of the Week

The week has come to a close. Let’s take a quick look at the best articles that you hopefully already ...