Rabbi Daniel S. Nevins

Rabbi Daniel Nevins is the Pearl Resnick Dean of The Rabbinical School of The Jewish Theological Seminary. In addition, he is senior lecturer of Professional and Pastoral Skills, chairs the Department of Professional and Pastoral Skills, and serves on the Chancellor's Academic Council. He has written responsa on the halakhic topics of personal status, disabilities, bioethics, and homosexuality. For more information, see his web page, <a href="http://www.rabbinevins.org">Rabbi Nevins</a>. 

Articles by Rabbi Daniel S. Nevins

Berakhot 59

Rearranging the stars.

A Prayer for the Planet

Instead of assuming that humans can fix every problem, the prayer humbly asks God to bless creation again.

Conservative Halakhah and Homosexuality

An insider's view of the 2006 CJLS gay vote.