White Pumpkin Cheddar Ale Soup

Have you ever taken a trip to your local farmer’s market and seen some pumpkins or squash like this:


And you thought, “I must have one of those!” Then you brought it home, sat it down on the counter, scratched your head and said – “ok, now what the heck do I do with this!?”

I felt this way recently
white pumpkin
about a beautiful white pumpkin from a nearby farm. It was so pretty and round, I just had to have it.

But then I wasn’t quite sure what to do with it.

Pasta? Nah.Too much work.

Pie? Seemed liked a waste.

Combine with beer and cheese for a rich and warming soup? Ding ding ding!

Most surprising thing about the white pumpkin was actually the color – the flesh is slightly yellow inside, not the same white of the outside. And when roasted, the flesh becomes even darker, resembling a cheese pumpkin puree.

So please welcome to the world my White Pumpkin Cheddar Ale Soup. Pair this was a big hunk of crusty bread, green salad and a cold pumpkin beer for a well-rounded and happy meal.

white pumpkin cheddar ale soup


1 medium sized white pumpkin

3-4 Tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper

2 quarts vegetable stock

2 Tbsp butter

2 cups freshly shredded cheddar cheese

1 bottle pumpkin ale or other seasonal ale

½ cup heavy cream

¼ tsp nutmeg

Salt and pepper

Pepitas or dried pumpkin seeds

extra virgin olive oil


Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut pumpkin in halves or quarters and spread on a baking sheet. Season inside of pumpkin with salt, pepper and olive oil. Roast until flesh is fork tender and juices are released, around 45-60 minutes.

Allow pumpkin to cool.

Scoop pumpkin flesh and place in food processor fitted with blade. Puree pumpkin in batches until smooth. You can add a cup of stock if it makes this part easier.

Remove pumpkin puree and place into large pot along with half the vegetable stock. Heat through on medium-high heat.

Add butter and cheddar, whisking until melted. Add remaining vegetable stock.

Add beer, nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to simmer and cook for another 10 minutes on low-medium heat.

Garnish with pepitas or pumpkin seeds and a drizzle of good quality extra virgin olive oil. You can even add a dollop of creme fraiche if you’re feeling extra fancy.

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