2 dozen

Cheesy Garlic Biscuit Bites

Confession: I know nothing about football, which teams are playing in the Superbowl and I had to ask four times when the Superbowl is taking place this year. And yet there is something about Superbowl snacks that I love! My parents were never into football and took the opportunity each year on Superbowl Sunday to go out to dinner while the restaurants were empty, so I can’t even attribute this interest to some kind of family tradition. But I guess, who wouldn’t enjoy an occasion to indulge in delicious, junky foods like chicken wings, sliders, nachos and chili dogs!?

Last year I shared my two favorite chicken wing recipes, but this year I wanted to share a dairy recipe I have been dying to make for some time. My other confession is that the recipe for this delectable snack was 100% inspired by this recipe from The Gunny Sack. When I saw these pepperoni cheese bites I knew I needed to kosher-ize them!

I have written before about my love for Pillsbury Grands Biscuits, which I recently found out ARE kosher (OU-Dairy). But if you don’t want to use the canned biscuits I have a simple and equally delicious alternative: store-bought pizza dough!

Roll pizza dough to ½ inch thick. Using a round cookie cutter cut as many rounds as the dough will allow. Gather
remaining dough and roll out again. Repeat until you have desired number of pizza dough rounds.

This snack really is a snap to whip together, but make sure you have enough for your party because the cheesy bites will be gobbled up before you know it!

Happy cooking and happy snacking!


2 cans Pillsbury Grands Biscuits (or one large ball pizza dough)

6 ounces mozzarella cheese, cut into cubes

Jarred minced or crushed garlic in oil

Fresh basil

1 egg, beaten

1 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

1 tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

1 tsp minced dried garlic

½ tsp crushed red pepper (more if you like it spicy)

1 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp dried basil

Tomato sauce


Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Grease two 9×13 baking pans

Working one by one, take a biscuit (or pizza dough round) and spread it out, flattening it with your fingers. Spread 1 tsp crushed garlic (from a jar) onto round. Place 3-4 cubes of mozzarella and a few strands of fresh basil. Fold edges of dough up and pinch to close. Place seam side down into greased dish.

Repeat until all the dough balls have been formed.

In a small bowl combine Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, garlic, crushed red pepper, oregano and dried basil.

Brush each dough ball with beaten egg. Sprinkle cheese-herb mixture on each ball.

Bake for 18-20 minutes. Serve with warm tomato sauce.

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