The Power of Jewish Food

MyJewishLearning’s recipes connect people across generations. When Brenda encountered our recipe for Plumkuchen, or plum cake, she relayed an amazing story: “The woman who taught me this recipe was a survivor of Auschwitz and told me that every Rosh Hashanah her mother, who perished in the Holocaust, would make this cake from their family’s plum tree. I have since baked this cake every New Year in her memory and for those who have no one to remember them.”

We’re particularly proud when MyJewishLearning’s recipes help people revive family traditions, as was the case with Beatrice, when she discovered our recipe for meat kreplach. “You seem to have been in my mother’s kitchen. The picture and the description of how to make it reminded me of her doing exactly that on the kitchen table when I was a child. I think I’m going to make them for the first time in my life.”

MyJewishLearning is a non-profit organization that depends on donations from people like you to cover 85% of its operating budget. For the last 10 years, MyJewishLearning has helped people like Brenda and Beatrice find Jewish recipes and connect with Jewish life. Help make sure MyJewishLearning is here for the next 10 years by making a tax-deductible donation today.

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