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‘The Goldman Case’: Screening and Q&A with Oscar Winner Arthur Harari

Hosted By: Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)

Stream the film and tune in for a discussion with one of France’s leading film figures.

In 1976, the trial of Frenchman Pierre Goldman, the son of Polish-Jewish refugees, changed France.

On the surface, Goldman was a revolutionary accused of multiple robberies and murders. But his sensationalized trial unearthed deep questions about antisemitism, political ideology and belonging in French society.

“The Goldman Case,” an award-winning French film that debuted at the Cannes Film Festival, dramatized the trial in gripping fashion last year.

Now’s your chance to watch the film online and tune in to an online discussion with Arthur Harari, one of the leading figures in French cinema. He stars as Goldman’s lawyer in “The Goldman Case” and won an Oscar for co-writing the courtroom drama film “Anatomy of a Fall.”

Your ticket purchase gets you:

  • Streaming access to watch the film on your own time for a total of 10 days
  • The link to watch the discussion between Arthur Harari and Gabe Friedman, former Jewish Telegraphic Agency culture editor


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The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) is the definitive, trusted global source of news and analysis on issues of Jewish interest and concern.  Our reporting reflects the wide spectrum of religious, political and cultural identity that exists among Jews today. With correspondents in New York, Washington, Israel, Europe and cities around the globe, JTA provides extensive coverage of political, economic and social developments affecting Jews all over the world. JTA reporting also shines a spotlight on the cultural happenings, influential thinkers and leaders and milestone events defining the Jewish experience today.
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