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JTA’s End-of-Year Virtual Benefit

Hosted By: Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)

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Join us for a meaningful evening as we reflect on the stories and coverage that have shaped Jewish life over the past year.

This special benefit will feature a distinguished guest — one of the most influential voices in public leadership today — introduced by JTA’s Editor-in-Chief, Philissa Cramer, and in conversation with our CEO and Executive Editor Ami Eden.

Learn more about our special guest here.

Your participation and contributions directly fuel JTA’s mission to deliver high-quality, independent journalism that informs and connects Jewish communities worldwide. Every dollar raised during this benefit supports our year-end campaign, helping us sustain and expand our vital coverage, a mission more than 100 years old.


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Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)

The Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) is the definitive, trusted global source of news and analysis on issues of Jewish interest and concern.  Our reporting reflects the wide spectrum of religious, political and cultural identity that exists among Jews today. With correspondents in New York, Washington, Israel, Europe and cities around the globe, JTA provides extensive coverage of political, economic and social developments affecting Jews all over the world. JTA reporting also shines a spotlight on the cultural happenings, influential thinkers and leaders and milestone events defining the Jewish experience today.
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