Jewish Ethics

Six Arguments for Jewish Peoplehood

A sense of collective identity among a group as diverse as the Jewish people isn’t easy to come by, but the notion may still be worth holding on to.

Ask the Expert: Do All Religions Worship the Same God?

Jews don’t have a monopoly on God, but we do privilege and prefer our own access.

Acheinu: We Are One Family

The words of this ancient prayer speak eloquently to the dire situation of Jews held in captivity.

Why Do Some Jews Write G-d?

Because the Torah prohibits erasing God’s name.


Next Torah Portion


A new Pharaoh of Egypt enslaves the Israelites, then demands that all Israelite baby boys be killed at birth. Baby Moses’ mother sets him afloat in a basket on the Nile where he is saved by Pharaoh’s daughter. As an adult, Moses kills an Egyptian taskmaster who was beating an Israelite slave, flees to Midian and marries Zipporah — but after encountering God at a burning bush he returns to Egypt to free the Israelites from slavery. Pharaoh refuses to the let the Israelites go and God promises to punish him.


Parashat Shemot

Exodus 1:1-6:1

Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23

Parashat Shemot: The Essential Name of God

Moses’ inquiry about God’s name reveals the essential quality of how God manifests in the world.

Kabbalat Shabbat Services

Meets: Fridays

Hosted by: My Jewish Learning

Recharge Now

Our weekly Shabbat newsletter, Recharge, features a thoughtful, timely essay to enrich your Shabbat. Here are a few of our recent pieces:


Moses demonstrates that connection with God and concern for Jewish safety are one and the same.

Grown Up Religion

A mature religious outlook embraces the messy realities of life even as it seeks to close the gap between what is and what ought to be.

Uncertainty is a Feature, Not a Bug

Anxiety is an inevitable part of life, so how do we best live with it?


7 Ways the Torah Can Actually Sharpen Your Mind

Engaging with Torah is like yoga for the mind: It keeps our perspectives flexible and creativity strong.

Ask the Expert: Applauding During Services

The ancient rabbis forbade clapping on Shabbat — for one very specific reason.

Similar Jewish Words You Don’t Want to Mix Up

From kibbitz/kibbutz to mitzvah/mikveh, we round up some easily confused Hebrew and Yiddish terms.

Shehechiyanu: A Meditation on this Moment

This blessing, traditionally recited for firsts, can be said anytime — since every moment is new and unprecedented.

How to Talk to God

The Hasidic prayer practice of hitbodedut — talking to God freely in one’s native tongue — helps to build intimacy over time.

Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World

This phrase with kabbalistic roots has come to connote social justice.
