Leviticus 19:1-20:27

Ezekiel 22:1-19

In this Torah portion, God describes to Moses many ethical and ritual laws aimed at helping people live lives of holiness. The laws described include some of those recorded in the Ten Commandments, such as respecting one’s parents, keeping the Sabbath and not stealing. God also introduces laws about farming and about belief in supernatural beings.



Weaving Together Ritual and Ethics

Only through the combination of ritual and ethics can Judaism fully express itself.

More on this Torah Portion

Do Not Open This Napkin

Holiness and secrecy are intricately enmeshed in the Torah.

Parashat Kedoshim: Caring for Our Bodies

As a rabbi, I have been asked many times what it means to be holy. Most literally, the Hebrew word ...

Gleanings From Our Own Blessings

Though it may be hard to see at times, we all have abundant blessings, and even a surplus, if only we could notice it.

Say No To Revenge And Grudges

When we bear a grudge or take revenge, we do not allow other people to say they are sorry and fix their mistakes.

The Holiness of Our Bodies

Kedoshim: A resource for families.

Do Women Experience Holiness Differently?

Parashat Kedoshim teaches us the ways to be holy. But do women have a different understanding of what holiness is?

After Death, Holy

We always have the opportunity to rise above our human flaws.

Haftarah for Kedoshim

On chosenness and holiness.

Parashat Kedoshim Quiz

Learn more about the weekly Torah portion.

Stumbling Blocks of Consumerism

We need to learn to produce, sell, and consume fewer unnecessary products.

Intentional Intervention

We must learn to offer hand-ups instead of hand-outs.

Planting for the Future

Parashat Kedoshim teaches us to preserve our natural resources.

Parashat Kedoshim: Summary

God tells Moses to give the people a series of ethical and ritual laws instructing them in how to be holy.

Does Holiness Come from Self-Restraint?

We achieve nobility and holiness through practicing self-restraint.

Being Holy

The commandment to be holy permeates every other commandment, fills in gaps between commandments, and infuses every human action.

Constructive Criticism

The commandment to rebuke one another teaches the importance of mutual responsibility.

Kilayim Pie?

The prohibition against interbreeding animals and plants raises questions about the kashrut of genetically modified foods.

The Nature Of Holiness

The commandment to be holy raises questions about our responsibilities towards community and our relationships with God.

A New Look At Philanthropy

The commandment to leave behind some of the harvest for the poor challenges our assumptions about to whom the food belongs in the first place.